2023 Dividend Income Wrap-up

Who Paid Me As of 01/5/2024?

Images gathered on Google Images

Hey Everone, Thank you for reading! In this blog, I have graphs that I made with tools I built. I have put these tools online through Patreon (click me!). Through the Patreon pledge, I offer a series of tools that I hope can aid your journey in understanding investing, get some tasty recipes, and tips and tricks on how I am trying to reach financial independence and retire early (FIRE). These tools are handcrafted to revolve around your goals and rich life. I made these tools as a resource for my generation who did not get taught squat about investing.

The blogging website is ad-free simply for the pure reason that I hate ads. If you like the content and want more, I have a Buy Me A Coffee page (click me!). These funds will help me keep the website running and ensure it will be forever 100% ad-free! 

StocksDividendsReinvested Shares Bought
Union Pacific Corp$6.940.03
Johnson & Johnson$6.780.04
Nextera Energy$5.640.09
Waste Management$4.910.03



MonthDividend Amount
January 2023$26.86
February 2023$8.12
March 2023$51.40
April 2023$25.23
May 2023$12.61
June 2023$76.09
July 2023$28.30
August 2023$11.99
September 2023$82.32
October 2023$31.24
November 2023$15.37
December 2023$139.69

Dividend Income For 2023

The year of 2023 was wild. Many things happen, and that is true for me. I got married, moved to a new city, my wife got a new job, went to Mexico, and got a puppy! Investing-wise, things were mostly boring, I and my wife dollar cost averaged into our dividend growth investment portfolio and contributed to our house fund each week. In 2023, I received a total of $509.33 from dividends. Per month that is, roughly $44.44 per month. I am thrilled with this result and feel blessed. 

I had my highest dividend amount in December at $139.69, and February was my lowest at $8.12. My method and theory of allocation did change over the years, leading to some variation in dividend amounts received. Also, paying off the wedding did help with increasing weekly contributions, and therefore increasing the amount of monthly dividends for each month.  My hope for the year 2024 is to have my annual dividend income over $1,000! 

Below are a few stats from the stocks that I won in my portfolio and the dividend checks I received. 


1-year Total Return: 3.75%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 7.77%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 11.24%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 3.26%

Dividend Amounts: $66.72

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.91


1-year Total Return: 9.51%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 8.52%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 9.37%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 2.29%

Dividend Amounts: $32.21

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.6


1-year Total Return: 4.41%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 8.79%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 16.56%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 1.97%

Dividend Amounts: $7.21

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.16

Union Pacific Corp.

1-year Total Return: 16.48%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 11.55%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 10.72%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 2.15%

Dividend Amounts: $6.94

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.03

Johnson & Johnson

1-year Total Return: -2.04%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 5.79%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 5.77%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 2.64%

Dividend Amounts: $6.78

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.04

Nexera Energy

1-year Total Return: -28.34%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 11.74%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 10.56%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 2.13%

Dividend Amounts: $5.64

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.09


1-year Total Return: 14.21%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 12.58%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 7.79%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 2.23%

Dividend Amounts: $5.26

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.02

Waste Management

1-year Total Return: 24.11%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 15.70%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 6.04%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 1.69%

Dividend Amounts: $4.91

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.03


1-year Total Return: 68.51%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 27.23%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 10.13%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 0.91%

Dividend Amounts: $2.85

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.01


1-year Total Return: 18.14%

10-Year Capital Appreciation: 10.01%

3/5 Average Dividend Growth Rate: 6.22%

4-Year Average Dividend Year: 2.01%

Dividend Amounts: $1.17

Reinvested Shares Bought: 0.02

Information gathered from internal data and Seeking Alpha!


Check out the charts below!

Financial Disclaimer: I am not a Certified Financial Advisor (CFA), I am a meteorologist. The blog posts about investing are my opinions and for your entertainment purposes. They should not be considered financial advice. Investing in the stock market is risky and you can lose money. If you want to invest in the stock market or have questions about how or where to invest, please seek a CFA.

Affiliate Link Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliated links with Public and M1 Finance. As a member of their platform, I earn a small portion if you click the link and sign up with them. I enjoy these companies and would not recommend them to you if I did not believe in their mission and platform. Thank you!

I use the stock trading platform called Public (this is an affiliated link where I get a small kickback if you sign up with my referral code/link!). Public charges no fees to invest, you can choose to have your dividends to be in a reinvestment plan (DRIP) (this is very important and will likely be explained in another blog), the platform is simple and user-friendly, and you can buy fractional shares. I have enjoyed Public’s platform during this past year and will continue to use it in the future. The link above is an affiliated link sign up today and get a free slice of a popular stock between $3-300! This is my compounding machine in which I hope to reach financial independence by using dividend growth stocks to supplement my income.

To act as a high-return savings account, I use an M1 finance account (Sign up today and get $10 for free!). I will use this fund to help pay a down payment on a car or house, and any other future expenses. Instead of getting a 1-2% yield/return, I hope to get an 8-12% return.

StocksDividendsReinvested Shares Bought
Union Pacific Corp$6.940.03
Johnson & Johnson$6.780.04
Nextera Energy$5.640.09
Waste Management$4.910.03

Below is a monthly expected dividend chart. If you are curious, I have created a do-it-yourself portfolio dashboard. it has everything like a portfolio calculator, a dividend calendar, and much more. Including the portfolio dashboard, I also have multiple financial tools, cookbooks, and more on my Patreon! Check out the page by clicking this link