How Much You Need To Invest To Live Off Annual Dividend Income from Apple (AAPL)

Financial Disclaimer: I am not a Certified Financial Advisor (CFA), I am a meteorologist. The blog posts about investing are my opinions and for your entertainment purposes. They should not be considered financial advice. Investing in the stock market is risky and you can lose money. If you want to invest in the stock market or have questions about how or where to invest, please seek a CFA.

Affiliate Link Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliated links with Public and M1 Finance. As a member of their platform, I earn a small portion if you click the link and sign up with them. I enjoy these companies and would not recommend them to you if I did not believe in their mission and platform. Thank you!

I use the stock trading platform called Public (this is an affiliated link where I get a small kickback if you sign up with my referral code/link!). Public charges no fees to invest, you can choose to have your dividends to be in a reinvestment plan (DRIP) (this is very important and will likely be explained in another blog), the platform is simple and user-friendly, and you can buy fractional shares. I have enjoyed Public’s platform during this past year and will continue to use it in the future. The link above is an affiliated link sign up today and get a free slice of a popular stock between $3-300! This is my compounding machine in which I hope to reach financial independence by using dividend growth stocks to supplement my income.

To act as a high-return savings account, I use an M1 finance account (Sign up today and get $10 for free!). I will use this fund to help pay a down payment on a car or house, and any other future expenses. Instead of getting a 1-2% yield/return, I hope to get an 8-12% return.

If you are curious about investing, I have developed on my Patreon Page a 10-step process of understanding where your money goes to us building your very own portfolio dashboard. The 10-step process is to help you guide important terms and parameters that can affect your outcome in investing. When you join, I will ask you to meet with me on GoogleMeets to understand your financial goals, what your rich life is, and what your financial literacy is. I will share with you the 10-step financial tools and go through each tool explaining what it is and how to use it. If at any time you want a private meeting to talk about finances (including setting up your portfolio, what is FIRE, and how to lower your food cost), email me at [email protected] and we can talk!. it has everything including a portfolio calculator, a dividend calendar, and much more. I also have multiple financial tools, cookbooks, and more on my Patreon! Check out the page by clicking this link

Investing in Apple (APPL) To Reach FIRE

Intro and Apple’s (AAPL) Current metrics

In the previous article “Investing $50 A Week In Apple Can Make You How Much??!??”, we delved into if you invest $200 a month or $2400 a year in Apple (AAPL) what would be the final balance in 30 years? Turns out millions in the hypothetical scenario. To emphasize, this is a hypothetical scenario. The past performance of AAPL is not true of future performance. Take the results with a grain of salt.

However, let’s have fun in this fake scenario and try to answer the next question, how much do you have to invest each month or each year to live off the annual dividend income from AAPL. Let’s start with APPL’s current metrics. These numbers were gathered in January of 2023. 

  • 10-Year Capital Appreciation – 25.43%
  • 3/5-Year Average Dividend Growth Rate – 7.17%
  • 4-Year Average Dividend Yield – 0.85%

To understand how much you need to invest in AAPL to live off the annual dividend income, let’s go over a few pointers I have learned by analyzing the three parameters listed above for over 200 stocks. 

  • The three parameters listed above determine the outcome.  
  • In general, if the 10-year capital appreciation growth rate of a stock is greater than the 3/5-year average dividend growth rate, you will need to have a higher 4-year average dividend yield or invest more to live off the annual dividend income. It will also take longer to achieve FIRE to live off the dividend income, as in a mathematical sense, the share price races up ahead and the dividend growth rate cannot catch up. You will have a handsome final balance, but it will take years to reach the achievement of using the annual dividend income to pay for your living expenses. 
  • If the stock’s 3/5-year average dividend growth rate is greater than the 10-year capital appreciation growth rate, all things considered, it will take less time to reach FIRE and use the annual dividend income to pay for your living expenses.
    • For example, if the 3/5-year average dividend growth rate is 12%, the 10-year capital appreciation growth rate is 10%, and the 4-year average dividend yield is 2.5%, hypothetically you would reach FIRE at a faster rate in comparison if you switch the rate of the 3/5-year average dividend growth rate and the 10-year capital appreciation growth rate. 
  • The 4-year average dividend yield is a sneaky but major factor in determining when the annual dividend income can pay for the living costs.
    • Although it is exciting to buy a stock that has a dividend yield >= 10%, it is not tax efficient and not sustainable. 

With AAPL’s current metrics, the likely outcome is that one will have to invest thousands to achieve FIRE since AAPL has an astounding 10-year capital appreciation growth rate, low yield, and moderate dividend growth rate. 

Investment Plan 

For consistency, the parameters below will be the same for future blogs. Except for the monthly and yearly contributions, because that is the question we are trying to answer. 

  • Monthly and Yearly Contributions – ???
  • Living Costs – $70,000
  • Inflation – 2.2%
  • Tax Rate For Dividends – 15%
These parameters, including AAPL’s 10-year capital appreciation growth rate, 3/5-year average dividend growth rate, and 4-year average dividend yield, will be plugged into the Monthly Dividend Reinvestment Calculator to determine how much you will need to invest to live off the annual dividend income.  
The goal is to invest the least and reach FIRE within 30 years! 


Turns out, when plugging the metrics in the calculator, you will need to invest a great amount and have perfect patience if you want to live off AAPL’s annual dividend income. You’ll need to invest $50,000 a year or $4,166.67 a month and wait 49 years to reach FIRE using the annual dividend income from AAPL to pay for your living costs. At the 49-year mark, in this hypothetical scenario, living costs per year (starting at $70,000 in year 1) would be $198,948.67, and the annual dividend income of $205,625.03 will just barely pay for your living costs. 

I played around with the numbers in the calculator, and this was the most reasonable yearly/monthly contribution scenario I found appropriate. You could invest $100,000 a year and reach FIRE sooner in roughly 34 years, but is that realistic? I don’t think so, even 50K isn’t that realistic. However, in this fake scenario, it was the most reasonable number to reach FIRE within 50 years. 

Check out the graph and table below! If you are interested in the monthly calculator and how I got these numbers, check out my Patreon page

Thank you for reading! The next stock picked for this hypothetical scenario will be for the snackers and soda-drinking lovers in a new format! It will be a 3 part series blog to simply the format for easier reading. Click the Home button to explore or click the The Land Of Blogs button for more reads! 

YearsYearly DividendsInflation Adjusted Living CostsYearly InterestFinal Balance