My mission for this blog website

When I set out to make this blogging website, my main intention was to use it as a placeholder for my thoughts. I had plenty of random and coherent Google docs on the drive, like a cookbook, recipes, and a piece about coffee. However, I thought, why share them randomly with people when I could transition to a blog website and post them there. 

While working on the website, I researched other blog websites to see how they set up their platform and what look good and what didn’t. Now, the important word is “platform”. People can use it for good, use it to share great information that could help individuals, or use it for bad by spreading false information. 

My mission for my platform is to make it enjoying and relaxing experience for those who just want to take 10 minutes away from what is going on in the news or reality. One of the most important factors is that I hope you learn something while you click around. Whether it be a random fact or trying to start a plan with your partner to retire early. Furthermore, I hope to inspire those to voice their opinion in any expression they can. Reach out or beyond your comfort zone. The quote, “Be comfortable with being uncomfortable”, is one of my favorite sayings I’ve heard this year. This is actually quite applicable to me this year when I was making this blog. 

Everyone has an opinion on any kind of subject matter. Those you see on TV or writing online use the same word as you do. An opinion is just a train of thought. So, who knows, maybe somebody might like the way you talk, the way you write, or the way you draw. Then can you use your opinion to capitalize on the opportunity to either make it a side hustle or better yet, impact someone’s life.